keep distance 26.14   If you keep your distance?
  go distance 8.89   Can it go a distance?
  travel distance 6.45   The particles can travel long distances.
  put distance 5.73   I wanted to put some distance between them and us.
  walk distance 3.75   Camels walk longer distances than horses.
  maintain distance 2.30   But they maintained their distance.
  cover distance 1.51   It takes up to eight days to cover the distance.
  drive distance 1.51   Driving long distances has taken a vicious toll.
  have distance 1.38   He had great distance.
  measure distance 1.38   Culturally, the distance can be measured in light-years.
  fly distance 1.32   Some birds fly incredible distances.
  create distance 0.92   Finally, the Tar Heels were able to create some distance.
  commute distance 0.59   Today, more and more people commute long distances.
  establish distance 0.59   Strictly speaking, the mayor has worked hard to establish that distance.
  reduce distance 0.59   Later, on the putting green, Player had reduced the distance past the cup to a quarter-inch.
  calculate distance 0.53   Spinrad has then been able to go to work calculating their distance.
  get distance 0.53   He has the class and can get the distance.
  hail distance 0.46   The spacecraft are expected to travel for thousands of years, eventually within hailing distance of other stars.
  judge distance 0.46   Most creatures judge distance by taking sensory readings of an object from different angles.
  run distance 0.46   Imagine rivals, young and fit, running whole distance.
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