political dissent 10.80   Political dissent is not tolerated.
  internal dissent 2.96   And he is plagued by internal dissent.
  public dissent 2.37   Public dissent is rare.
  peaceful dissent 1.32   The government continued to imprison people for peaceful dissent.
  separate dissent 1.12   Justice David H. Souter filed a separate dissent.
  open dissent 0.99   But she demurred from open dissent.
  growing dissent 0.79   Growing dissent and social unrest are simmering.
  stifling dissent 0.79   Increasingly, Akayev is stifling dissent, and more and more voters see him as corrupt.
  stinging dissent 0.66   But Kennedy, in a stinging dissent, had urged that they do so.
  lone dissent 0.59   Justice John Paul Stevens was the lone dissent.
  domestic dissent 0.53   Both governments have been the target of much international criticism for their suppression of domestic dissent.
  crushing dissent 0.39   However, a policy of violently crushing dissent appears to have hardened.
  legitimate dissent 0.39   One thing is legitimate dissent, democratic disagreement, and protest.
  little dissent 0.39   And they have said so consistently, in dozens of cases, with little dissent and even less debate.
  religious dissent 0.39   Religious dissent is, indeed, one source of civil unrest.
  worded dissent 0.39   Justice John Paul Stevens wrote a more sharply worded dissent.
  increasing dissent 0.33   Arafat is also facing increasing dissent among Palestinian hardliners.
  serious dissent 0.33   But serious dissent surrounding hangings is not heard.
  strong dissent 0.33   The decision drew a strong dissent.
  tolerating dissent 0.33   But Sweden also has a long tradition of tolerating dissent.
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