use disk 1.05   The high-speed disks are used in e-commerce servers and data storage.
  insert disk 0.86   At left, a disk is inserted.
  make disk 0.79   The cost of making disks, he added, is relatively low compared to producing tapes.
  play disk 0.66   Divx players, on the other hand, will be able to play DVD disks.
  release disk 0.59   But when Nonesuch releases a disk, smart people listen.
  remove disk 0.59   Remove the disk from its protective packaging.
  buy disk 0.53   Warner would like people to buy disks.
  send disk 0.53   The disks are then sent home to Bosnia and Croatia.
  have disk 0.39   In the real world nobody ever has backup disks.
  pop disk 0.39   When the disk is popped into the drive, an icon appears on screen.
  read disk 0.39   This is why they can read IBM disks.
  rupture disk 0.39   Then, last summer, she ruptured a disk in her back.
  sell disk 0.39   Mr. Means sold computer disks as a sideline.
  copy disk 0.33   Once the master disk has been copied, the programme can be run.
  find disk 0.33   For example, it would find disk in discovery, but not four in California.
  hold disk 0.33   Murkowski asked the directors, as he held a disk in his hand.
  check disk 0.26   ScanDisk checks the disk for problems and can fix basic ones.
  offer disk 0.26   Either disk could be offered as optional equipment, he said.
  produce disk 0.26   Zeon will make the chemicals needed to produce the disks.
  put disk 0.26   Once the disk is put in the player, the clock starts.
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