make discovery 18.89   How was that discovery made?
  follow discovery 9.02   This discovery was not followed up.
  announce discovery 6.25   The Navy announced the discovery Saturday.
  report discovery 3.82   The discovery is not reported.
  confirm discovery 1.25   Rabbis from Brazil and Argentina confirmed the discovery.
  describe discovery 1.12   Scientists have described the discovery as a major breakthrough.
  await discovery 1.05   Thirty-six more await discovery.
  hail discovery 0.79   The discovery was hailed as a momentous historical find.
  share discovery 0.72   Until, that is, we share our discovery with friends.
  patent discovery 0.66   The discovery has been patented.
  say discovery 0.66   He says his discovery of religion saved him from peril.
  discuss discovery 0.53   The coach met with his doctor Wednesday to discuss the discovery.
  publish discovery 0.53   Mays plans to publish his discoveries later this year.
  see discovery 0.53   He sees discovery as an instantaneous revelation or sudden perception.
  use discovery 0.53   But he wanted to learn more about using genome discoveries to invent new drugs.
  detail discovery 0.46   The discovery is detailed in Nature.
  surround discovery 0.46   Atalla criticised the tone of debate surrounding the discovery.
  turn discovery 0.46   The idea that university professors should turn their discoveries into profits is frowned upon.
  fear discovery 0.39   He said he went to Seoul fearing discovery of his condition.
  investigate discovery 0.39   A historical team from Southern Methodist University came to Longview to investigate the discovery.
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