political discourse 6.71   ...a tradition of political discourse.
  public discourse 6.71   Now all public discourse is nonsense.
  civil discourse 0.99   Civil discourse seems rare because it is.
  academic discourse 0.86   Score one for academic discourse.
  american discourse 0.79   American political discourse is like a Furby.
  everyday discourse 0.66   In the first case he offered a solution in the terms of everyday discourse.
  intellectual discourse 0.66   Most of the most serious intellectual discourse for some years has not come out of the academy.
  national discourse 0.66   -- was beyond the bounds of any national discourse.
  philosophical discourse 0.66   To boil down philosophical discourse to a duet is a risk.
  serious discourse 0.66   Candidates should engage in serious political discourse.
  rational discourse 0.53   Rational discourse on public policy is vital to a democracy.
  human discourse 0.46   Politeness remains, even after all the other laws of human discourse have been abrogated.
  long discourse 0.46   Some long discourses descend from Wagnerian practice.
  civic discourse 0.39   Art and civic discourse?
  conversational discourse 0.39   So, it is a myth that conversational discourse is inevitably symmetrical.
  racist discourse 0.39   A rhetorical approach would point directly at the argumentative nature of racist discourse.
  scientific discourse 0.39   Dinosaurs have a way of raising the temperature of scientific discourse.
  written discourse 0.39   This is a type which occurs throughout written discourse.
  dominant discourse 0.33   Do men lose as well as gain from dominant discourses of gender?
  intelligent discourse 0.33   It severely hinders intelligent discourse.
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