phone directory 2.63   I thanked them for the phone directory.
  storage directory 1.38   New storage directories may be created at any time.
  default directory 1.25   Output is sent to the file VALIFY.TXT, in the current default directory.
  city directory 0.72   Then there are city directories and newspaper indices.
  process directory 0.59   These are defined in a file, ROLES.DAT, within the LIFESPAN process directory.
  root directory 0.59   Shut down Windows and move to the root directory.
  business directory 0.39   More useful was the local business directory.
  e-mail directory 0.39   In a perfect world, there would be a single universal e-mail directory.
  search directory 0.39   Yahoo! search directories, chat rooms and other areas are not affected.
  computer directory 0.26   Yahoo! is a computer directory widely used for searching the Internet.
  file directory 0.26   Files will be re-named on disk and, if the system allows, a print-out of the file directory made as evidence.
  internet directory 0.26   Internet directories are used to find information on the Internet.
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