opinion differ 4.48   Opinions differ.
  expert differ 2.96   Even experts differ.
  account differ 2.90   Other accounts differed.
  candidate differ 2.44   Candidates differ over Northern Ireland.
  side differ 2.17   But for now, the two sides differ.
  view differ 1.71   Yet their views differ.
  two differ 1.65   The two do occasionally differ.
  approach differ 1.51   Still, their approaches differ.
  proposal differ 1.51   But the proposals differ on details.
  bill differ 1.38   The rival bills differ significantly.
  plan differ 1.38   But the latest plan differs on key points.
  report differ 1.32   Why did the reports differ?
  people differ 1.25   Reasonable people differ.
  rate differ 1.25   Graduation rates differ sharply too.
  version differ 1.25   Versions differ on his words.
  analyst differ 1.18   However, one analyst differs.
  standard differ 1.18   Standards now differ radically across the EU.
  law differ 1.12   Some said laws would differ from state to state.
  official differ 1.05   But administration officials differ on the exact number.
  program differ 1.05   That program differs from STARS.
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