change diet 4.28   Change your diet.
  watch diet 2.04   He began to watch his diet.
  eat diet 1.58   Eat a diet that is high in fibre.
  supplement diet 1.51   She began supplementing her diet with vitamins.
  improve diet 1.12   Then they got tailored guidance on improving their diets.
  have diet 0.99   I had a diet Coke.
  try diet 0.92   One refused to try the diet.
  follow diet 0.86   You will feel better if you follow a low-fat diet.
  start diet 0.79   I started my diet at once.
  use diet 0.72   Stoll said she uses the diet as just one of several weapons in her war against recurrence.
  feed diet 0.53   All of the mice were fed these diets.
  vary diet 0.53   You are welcome to vary the diet.
  modify diet 0.46   So, how do you get people to modify their diets and concentrate on eating well?
  adjust diet 0.39   Cut back and adjust your diet.
  alter diet 0.39   He has altered his diet.
  base diet 0.33   In the mountains, the diet is mostly based around potatoes.
  control diet 0.33   ...calorie controlled diets.
  promote diet 0.33   Schools themselves also promote poor diets, no matter what they teach in health classes.
  recommend diet 0.33   Some even said their doctors have recommended such diets.
  restrict diet 0.33   His daily bumping and grinding restricts his diet.
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