see devastation 2.37   You see the devastation.
  cause devastation 1.91   And scientists are baffled over what caused the devastation.
  survey devastation 0.86   She stood on the porch of her utterly undamaged house Friday, surveying devastation all around her.
  tour devastation 0.59   On Monday, he was to travel to Honduras to tour the devastation there.
  view devastation 0.59   U.N. investigators view devastation of NATO airstrikes.
  work devastation 0.46   Floods wrought devastation from Wisconsin to West Virginia, Indiana to Vermont.
  describe devastation 0.33   Villagers who reached the scene described devastation.
  escape devastation 0.33   Few buildings in the city had escaped devastation.
  find devastation 0.33   He returned to find the devastation, but his family had survived.
  follow devastation 0.33   Music therapy has proven to be a useful tool in the weeks following the devastation, experts say.
  inflict devastation 0.33   What devastation would they inflict on pitching staffs?
  witness devastation 0.26   Mrs. Meehling, a volunteer firefighter, said she had never witnessed such devastation.
  wreak devastation 0.26   But the hurricane wreaked devastation in selected areas.
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