economic devastation 1.65   In Honolulu, civic leaders are not playing down the extent of their economic devastation.
  widespread devastation 1.32   The most widespread devastation seems to be in the countryside.
  utter devastation 0.92   It was a scene of utter devastation.
  ecological devastation 0.72   They speak of ecological devastation.
  environmental devastation 0.53   After generations of mining, the environmental devastation of Nauru is nearly total.
  financial devastation 0.53   AIDS increases the financial devastation.
  complete devastation 0.46   The scene was one of almost complete devastation.
  human devastation 0.33   Such films rarely dwell on the human devastation.
  terrorist devastation 0.33   And Americans saw the terrorist devastation live on television.
  emotional devastation 0.26   In many ways, the financial devastation of his life is as astonishing as the emotional devastation.
  greater devastation 0.26   Among Allied capitals, only Warsaw suffered greater devastation.
  mass devastation 0.26   Even in a place of mass devastation and death, those scorch marks got fast attention.
  physical devastation 0.26   The physical devastation of downtown Manhattan may have been the deciding factor.
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