use determine 12.24   Fingerprints were used to determine that.
  conduct determine 4.41   An autopsy will be conducted to determine the cause of death.
  investigate determine 3.42   Police are investigating to determine the nature of the object.
  test determine 2.96   Kucirkova the drug is being tested to determine its origin and value.
  work determine 2.04   Technicians were working to determine what went wrong.
  do determine 1.78   Tests are being done to determine the exact day.
  launch determine 1.78   An investigation had been launched to determine the cause.
  meet determine 1.78   A race jury met to determine the schedule for the rest of the week.
  perform determine 1.65   An autopsy will be performed to determine the cause of death.
  open determine 1.45   An enquiry has been opened to determine the cause of the fire.
  examine determine 1.32   Patients on steroids should be examined to determine their risk of falls.
  set_up determine 0.99   A three-man panel was set up to determine the application.
  be determine 0.92   Determined am I.
  check determine 0.92   The jet will be checked to determine the source of the smoke.
  evaluate determine 0.86   The cells are then evaluated to determine whether they are normal or atypical.
  testing determine 0.86   The IOC said it may use DNA testing to determine who was using the equipment.
  question determine 0.79   The men had been detained for questioning to determine if they were wanted for any offenses.
  study determine 0.79   A U.S. embassy official said the threat would be studied to determine how serious it was.
  come determine 0.72   He also came back determined to be a photographer.
  say determine 0.66   Whitehead said determining the true owner of a brewery takes time and research.
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