political detainee 8.76   Hutu rebels consider the prisoners political detainees.
  the detainee 5.27   The other two detainees were charged in July.
  palestinian detainee 3.82   Supreme Court agrees to release longest-held Palestinian detainee.
  former detainee 2.17   Former detainees at the prison took part in the march.
  female detainee 0.92   However, on Sunday, only one female detainee agreed to leave jail.
  new detainee 0.92   The Arab Times said the two new detainees were linked to the original group.
  other detainee 0.92   The other two detainees were charged in July.
  cuban detainee 0.79   The first Cuban detainees reached there on Monday.
  remaining detainee 0.72   The remaining detainees were Afghans.
  torturing detainee 0.66   Human rights groups regularly accuse Shin Beth of torturing detainees.
  federal detainee 0.59   The suspects are being held as federal detainees in the Chattanooga jail.
  first detainee 0.59   The first Cuban detainees reached there on Monday.
  latest detainee 0.53   Immigration officials on Friday were busy preparing for the latest detainees.
  lebanese detainee 0.53   High court agrees to reconsider ruling on Lebanese detainees.
  muslim detainee 0.53   Khufash is not the only Muslim detainee growing frustrated.
  chinese detainee 0.46   Chinese detainees in York are the focus of a congressional hearing.
  saudi detainee 0.46   One is a Saudi detainee who recently halted his hunger strike voluntarily.
  administrative detainee 0.39   Most were convicted of security offenses, but some are administrative detainees being held without trial.
  british detainee 0.39   Britain said intelligence agents from its Security Service were among those who questioned seven British detainees.
  fellow detainee 0.39   She and her fellow detainees went to an exercise room, where they awaited the police.
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