navy destroyer 1.97   On the Navy destroyer that picked him up.
  japanese destroyer 1.78   It was a Japanese destroyer.
  british destroyer 1.05   He was rescued by a British destroyer.
  american destroyer 0.72   Four American destroyers were sunk.
  naval destroyer 0.59   The naval destroyer HMCS Terra Nova was standing by.
  aegis-equipped destroyer 0.53   An Aegis-equipped destroyer.
  turkish destroyer 0.46   Prime Minister Tansu Ciller said two Turkish destroyers and a frigate joined the trail.
  new destroyer 0.33   And members upped the ante for new destroyers.
  russian destroyer 0.33   The answer was found in the sinking of the Russian destroyer.
  crippled destroyer 0.26   When the crippled destroyer appeared, a few men pointed at it and laughed.
  powerful destroyer 0.26   Some in America would have preferred Japan to send its powerful destroyers, but it marked a big shift for Japan.
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