control destiny 3.29   We control our destiny.
  shape destiny 1.25   Three successful people reveal how fathers shape their destiny.
  determine destiny 0.92   The basic part of this team is going to determine our destiny.
  fulfill destiny 0.72   To fulfill that destiny, he headed south.
  decide destiny 0.46   Nobody decides your destiny.
  change destiny 0.39   Nobody will change our destiny.
  have destiny 0.39   Powell feels he has a destiny.
  intertwine destiny 0.33   Their destinies are intertwined.
  know destiny 0.33   On Friday, none of them knew his destiny.
  find destiny 0.26   He has found a destiny.
  meet destiny 0.26   It was my destiny to meet my destiny.
  see destiny 0.26   They see glorious destiny.
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