company design 6.32   Each company designs its own five-hole course.
  program design 4.02   Nicklaus said he will continue a fitness program designed to help his back.
  architect design 3.49   Architects design them.
  firm design 2.24   His firm designed One Kansas City Place.
  engineer design 1.97   Computer engineers design future cyber fashions.
  system design 1.51   Then the system can design a custom set of clubs for that golfer.
  artist design 1.45   Artists often designed for different houses.
  plan design 1.45   Finally, Clinton will propose another plan designed to give taxpayers more authority.
  law design 1.38   New laws designed to give exchanges and regulators more teeth also are popping up.
  student design 1.32   So Ms. Hadley had the students design their own calendars.
  measure design 1.18   Gov. Gray Davis on Tuesday announced several measures designed to put a dent in the crisis.
  policy design 1.05   ...policies designed to buy off the working-class vote.
  project design 1.05   ...projects expressly designed to support cattle farmers.
  researcher design 1.05   Knowing this, researchers can design drugs to attack suspect genes.
  change design 0.99   Some recent changes designed to track and control listeria are already in place.
  rule design 0.92   His acceptance of a prized golf invitation flouted House gift rules designed to curb corrupting largess to lawmakers.
  scientist design 0.92   A scientist has designed a bank cashpoint machine that you can talk to.
  team design 0.92   A team of engineers designed the new engine.
  meeting design 0.86   Hold regular Regular meetings designed to maintain and keep the peace.
  question design 0.72   The attorney said Cruz had asked questions designed to get an emotional response.
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