product design 5.07   At Keter, Yemini worked on product design for Rubbermaid.
  production design 3.03   Its production design is wonderful.
  fashion design 2.96   I had some experience in fashion design.
  ballot design 2.76   Gore supporters blamed the ballot design.
  chip design 2.57   Chip design will also change.
  computer design 2.37   He was a pioneer in the field of computer aided design.
  car design 2.17   By most measures this is a golden age for car design.
  furniture design 2.17   She prefers classic furniture designs.
  landscape design 1.97   I have a landscape design.
  aircraft design 1.65   The report urged France to improve aircraft design.
  system design 1.65   Some comparativists use both system designs.
  costume design 1.58   Not even a costume design.
  weapon design 1.58   Such cooperation could entail joint weapons design, he said.
  software design 1.51   As can be seen, the issue of software design has been virtually ignored.
  network design 1.12   Even with better network design, DOS attacks will often take a toll.
  stage design 1.12   For many years he taught stage design at Brooklyn College.
  stadium design 1.05   And a change in stadium design would also cause further delays.
  textile design 1.05   Kamberi emphasizes the dozens of styles of textile design.
  hardware design 0.99   Some of these issues affect hardware design.
  drug design 0.92   This is called rational drug design.
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