military deployment 7.04   But support for the military deployment appears broad.
  rapid deployment 6.91   Canada is studying options for a UN rapid deployment force.
  possible deployment 3.23   Some U.S.-based troops also have been notified to be ready for possible deployment.
  full deployment 2.63   Full deployment, good.
  first deployment 2.04   Haiti is her first deployment.
  new deployment 1.84   Ramos had banned new deployments of Filipina domestics to Singapore.
  overseas deployment 1.71   Harriers have been grounded and scratched from overseas deployments.
  american deployment 1.25   But so is the entire American deployment of troops in the Philippines.
  planned deployment 1.25   But her misgivings about the planned deployment go well beyond the potential risk to U.S. troops.
  russian deployment 1.25   The Russian deployment is to take two weeks.
  such deployment 1.18   Khaddam said such a deployment had not yet been discussed.
  further deployment 1.12   Further deployments, he said, would depend on UN requirements.
  massive deployment 1.12   The Ramos government is reviewing the massive deployment of Filipinos abroad.
  quick deployment 1.12   His ship, the USS Radford, would leave for only quick deployments.
  initial deployment 0.99   Initial deployment was also hampered by lack of transportation.
  continued deployment 0.92   Their continued deployment remained in doubt.
  german deployment 0.92   Opposition drops resistance to German deployment to Macedonia,
  major deployment 0.92   This car is more like a major deployment.
  current deployment 0.79   It will also have to maintain its current military deployments in Asia.
  largest deployment 0.79   It was the largest female deployment in U.S. history.
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