chief delegate 5.20   For Mondale, Kamarck was the chief delegate counter.
  north_korean delegate 2.70   North Korean delegates left without speaking to reporters.
  party delegate 2.44   The KMT chairman is elected by party delegates.
  foreign delegate 2.37   Forty-seven foreign delegates were deported.
  palestinian delegate 2.37   Palestinian delegates declined comment.
  republican delegate 2.11   A profile of a Republican delegate.
  european delegate 2.04   A European delegate said there were more reservations than expected.
  democratic delegate 1.97   About one in every nine Democratic delegates belongs to a teachers union.
  israeli delegate 1.91   Israeli delegates refused to comment.
  union delegate 1.78   Union delegates have returned to Brasilia.
  the delegate 1.58   The three delegates are sleeping in.
  american delegate 1.51   She expressed it when she was the chief American delegate to the United Nations.
  arab delegate 1.51   Arab delegates seemed keen to take up the offer.
  russian delegate 1.45   Russian delegates described the talks as difficult.
  official delegate 1.32   He traveled to Bosnia as an official congressional delegate.
  african delegate 1.25   African delegates were cautiously optimistic.
  chinese delegate 1.18   Chinese delegates would not comment on these reports.
  japanese delegate 1.05   Japanese delegates did not immediately respond to the allegations.
  serb delegate 1.05   It was not immediately known if any Serb delegates had arrived.
  south_korean delegate 1.05   They will sit down with three South Korean delegates who arrived on Friday, led by Lee Byong-Woong.
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