acquit defendant 7.11   One defendant was acquitted.
  charge defendant 6.91   All five defendants are charged with murder.
  accuse defendant 5.27   The defendant is accused of attempting to conceal evidence.
  convict defendant 5.20   Nineteen defendants were convicted.
  represent defendant 5.07   Who is representing the defendant?
  sentence defendant 4.02   The defendant was sentenced and fined.
  try defendant 3.88   Four defendants were tried in absentia.
  arrest defendant 2.37   The defendant was arrested in October.
  identify defendant 1.91   The three defendants were not identified.
  hold defendant 1.84   All the defendants are being held in jail.
  release defendant 1.65   A sixth defendant was released.
  link defendant 1.25   Above all, he recorded endless chatter linking the defendants to guns, bombs and violence.
  prevent defendant 1.12   The statutory provision was held to prevent the defendant from relying on any form of the volenti defence.
  retard defendant 1.12   Ultimately, the judge, not the jury, decides if a defendant is mentally retarded.
  name defendant 0.99   Neither defendant was named.
  punish defendant 0.99   Punitive damages are meant to punish a defendant for past actions.
  see defendant 0.99   Still, others saw the defendants as frightened children.
  sue defendant 0.92   His widow sued the defendants for negligence.
  bring defendant 0.86   The defendants were not brought to the courtroom.
  keep defendant 0.86   The courts are designed to keep treatable defendants out of prison.
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