have defence 1.32   Firms that try to ignore the problem could have no defence at all.
  prepare defence 1.12   ...the legal big guns who will prepare his defence.
  strengthen defence 0.92   Similar efforts to strengthen anti-flood defences were reported from other affected provinces.
  provide defence 0.86   Ex turpi causa would not provide a defence.
  begin defence 0.53   French captain Marcel Desailly said here on Friday he was itching to begin the defence of the World Cup.
  bolster defence 0.46   Hundreds more US and British troops arrived in Kuwait to bolster its defences Thursday.
  breach defence 0.46   But the Lancastrian army proved too powerful, and after a brave fight the defences were breached.
  build defence 0.46   Bacteria show how natural selection builds its defences.
  enter defence 0.46   Azahar asked the court to reverse the acquittal and order Maria to enter her defence.
  organise defence 0.46   Pagliuca took the delay to try and organise the defence.
  penetrate defence 0.46   The LTTE said government forces tried to penetrate rebel defences but were halted by a counterattack.
  split defence 0.46   I mean old erm does his bit crossing and splitting defences and getting goals but not scoring them.
  boost defence 0.33   But he has agreed that the breakdown of spending among various economic sectors could be revised to boost defence.
  catch defence 0.33   Seven minutes later the Bulgarian defence was again caught flat-footed.
  destroy defence 0.33   The Tornados can detect and destroy enemy defences and were envisaged for use against Bosnian Serb rebel forces.
  establish defence 0.33   The burden of proof in establishing the defence is upon the defendant on the balance of probabilities.
  give defence 0.33   The court delayed its verdict several times, saying it wanted to give the defence more time.
  reject defence 0.33   But Iida rejected that defence.
  take defence 0.33   The minister said Singapore needed to take its defence seriously and continue to invest heavily in it.
  turn defence 0.33   I feel if we had tried to turn their defence we might have had some luck.
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