military decoration 1.25   He was awarded several military decorations.
  home decoration 1.12   There are hundreds of sites on home decoration.
  seasonal decoration 0.59   Or they can be viewed merely as attractive seasonal decorations.
  only decoration 0.53   The only wall decorations are candles and a single mirror.
  surface decoration 0.46   These include tinted and antique mirrors, and mirrors with surface decoration.
  painted decoration 0.39   Other pieces were stripped to the bare wood by Victorian collectors who had no appreciation for painted decoration.
  royal decoration 0.39   Royal decorations will be presented to him and he will meet Prime Minister Chavalit Yongchaiyudh.
  set decoration 0.39   In addition, his work was used as set decorations in the movie Tin Cup.
  architectural decoration 0.33   Another successful contribution by Aphrodisians was their handling of architectural decorations.
  carved decoration 0.33   Both show the four-centred arch with carved decoration above.
  exterior decoration 0.33   Exterior decoration is by pilaster strips and arcading which continues round the church.
  high decoration 0.33   He posthumously awarded Brown a high Croatian decoration.
  official decoration 0.33   Civilians must have an official decoration.
  outdoor decoration 0.33   Outdoor decorations are another flashpoint.
  sculptural decoration 0.33   The sculptural decoration unites American and Classical traditions.
  street decoration 0.33   The financial crisis eased in time, too, freeing up money to pay for street decorations and more elaborate celebrations.
  beautiful decoration 0.26   Then workers uncovered a beautiful ornate decoration on the gate.
  combat decoration 0.26   In World War II he served with the Third Army in Europe under Gen. George S. Patton, and received four combat decorations.
  elaborate decoration 0.26   At the rallies, there were elaborate decorations, daytime fireworks and balloon launches.
  festive decoration 0.26   There are many simple ways to create festive decorations and keep a welcome light in the hall.
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