foreign debt 44.24   Foreign debt is low.
  huge debt 17.71   Viacom has a huge debt.
  short-term debt 17.58   But critics stress the huge short-term debt.
  public debt 16.66   Can the money go to reduce the public debt?
  corporate debt 15.87   Corporate debt is also very high.
  new debt 14.55   Not all of the new debt sales went smoothly.
  heavy debt 12.18   There were heavy debts.
  federal debt 9.08   This is how federal debt gets pared.
  outstanding debt 8.62   Outstanding debts?
  mounting debt 7.90   They faced mounting debts.
  massive debt 7.83   I mean, those were massive debts.
  large debt 7.57   Firms, too, have large debts.
  long-term debt 7.31   It has no long-term debt.
  high debt 6.58   Yet many banks have high debt in dollars.
  external debt 6.19   External debt would fall.
  dollar-denominated debt 5.66   A weaker won inflates the value of dollar-denominated debt.
  existing debt 5.46   New issues force yields of existing debt higher.
  gambling debt 5.27   He ran up huge gambling debts.
  personal debt 5.13   I want to acknowledge a personal debt to him.
  russian debt 4.81   Russian debt rose.
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