associate dean 3.49   The associate dean will serve as the contact person for whistleblowers.
  former dean 3.03   Alas, the former Brandeis dean made a hash of the job.
  assistant dean 1.58   His assistant deans declined to comment and referred questions to May.
  new dean 1.25   A search committee is looking for a new dean.
  academic dean 0.72   The academic dean has asked him to dinner after the second.
  acting dean 0.72   She quickly was appointed dean of freshmen and then acting dean of the college.
  interim dean 0.46   He also was interim dean of the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences.
  senior dean 0.46   Sailhac is senior dean of studies at the French Culinary Institute.
  emeritus dean 0.26   Tice was an emeritus dean and professor at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science.
  executive dean 0.26   She is now executive dean at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.
  first dean 0.26   The next year he became its first dean of dance.
  founding dean 0.26   He returned to music administration, becoming a founding dean of the New World School of the Arts in Miami.
  retired dean 0.26   McCormick, a retired dean and history chairman, thinks the controversy may become, well, academic.
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