say dealer 43.12   That generated interest in the dollar, dealers said.
  arrest dealer 1.58   Two dealers were arrested.
  kill dealer 1.45   Settler says more land dealers have been killed.
  find dealer 1.25   -- Find a dealer you can trust.
  protect dealer 0.86   Many have been accused of protecting drug dealers.
  ask dealer 0.72   Ask the dealer and get specifics.
  call dealer 0.72   I called the dealer and got the first phone clerk again.
  have dealer 0.72   And that has dealers trembling.
  prevent dealer 0.72   Checkpoints were also set up in other parts of the state to prevent drug dealers from fleeing the region.
  contact dealer 0.59   Owners should contact their dealers for an appointment.
  license dealer 0.59   Only licensed gun dealers must do background checks.
  drug dealer 0.53   He talked about standing up to drug dealers.
  put dealer 0.53   As an assistant district attorney, he has spent years putting street dealers in jail.
  scrap dealer 0.53   They took the capsule and sold it to scrap dealers.
  antique dealer 0.46 of the two main trade associations for antiques dealers.
  name dealer 0.46   She refused to name the dealer or elaborate on the events that led to the recovery.
  reach dealer 0.46   The Audi should reach dealers by the end of the year.
  rob dealer 0.46   Did he make a profit off them by letting dealers get robbed?
  visit dealer 0.46   He visits drug dealers just to intimidate them.
  ban dealer 0.39   He said all gun dealers should be banned from residential neighborhoods.
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