bury dead 19.29   They have buried their dead.
  leave dead 11.39   Soldier mutiny leaves two dead.
  identify dead 9.81   Trying to identify the dead.
  fear dead 6.19   Twenty-four feared dead.
  honor dead 5.66   Honor the dead.
  mourn dead 4.02   Mourn the dead.
  report dead 3.62   Police reported four dead.
  find dead 3.42   All passengers found dead.
  brain dead 2.96   Brain dead.
  remember dead 2.04   How will the dead be remembered?
  count dead 1.97   But counting the dead is next to impossible.
  confirm dead 1.84   ------ New Jersey -- Three confirmed dead.
  shoot dead 1.78   He shot her dead.
  commemorate dead 1.45   There are better ways to commemorate the dead.
  recover dead 1.38   The dead were recovered from the rubble.
  retrieve dead 1.25   Other dead were retrieved by crewmen in small boats.
  carry dead 1.18   Rebel fighters withdrew, carrying their dead and injured.
  want dead 1.18   Investigators believe Dorsey wanted Brown dead.
  collect dead 1.12   Neither side can collect their dead.
  take dead 1.12   Hearses queued to take the dead away.
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