later date 58.46   Trial was fixed for a later date.
  new date 34.30   No new date was set.
  exact date 31.27   The exact date?
  specific date 17.25   He gave no specific date.
  first date 12.71   Like, on a first date?
  future date 10.14   Albert Hanson has details about future dates on.
  unspecified date 9.55   He is to be sentenced at an unspecified date.
  firm date 8.69   No firm date has been set.
  starting date 7.50   No starting date has been set.
  hearing date 7.31   No hearing date yet.
  same date 6.78   Fay began his term on that same date.
  precise date 6.45   No precise date was set.
  due date 6.25   The due date has passed.
  opening date 5.92   Opening date TBA.
  possible date 5.79   He did not elaborate or give a possible date.
  late date 5.13   Who could doubt that at this late date?
  early date 4.87   Rozhen Monastery, near Melnik, is of early date.
  closing date 4.81   Closing date is next Friday.
  earliest date 4.54   Prepare the list at the earliest possible date.
  effective date 4.28   But the effective date of the sanctions was still in dispute.
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