ballet dancer 9.87   Ballet dancers.
  ice dancer 4.41   Or is that the name of a Russian ice dancer?
  ballroom dancer 2.44   A champion ballroom dancer.
  flamenco dancer 2.04   Let the flamenco dancers entertain you.
  hula dancer 1.25   Sailor talk with forearm tattoos of anchors and hula dancers.
  club dancer 1.05   He said six club dancers had sex with them.
  lion dancer 0.86   Fireworks exploded above leaping lion dancers.
  break dancer 0.79   Before the event, break dancers boogied in the parking lot.
  lap dancer 0.66   One lap dancer tells her story.
  line dancer 0.66   Line dancers seem to feel that way as well.
  can-can dancer 0.53   I brought in Cirque du Soleil and French can-can dancers.
  corps dancer 0.53   What makes a good corps dancer at City Ballet?
  tango dancer 0.53   Good tango dancers, Zotto said, often improvise.
  fan dancer 0.39   One is a nude photo of the famous fan dancer Sally Rand.
  step dancer 0.39   Dunne and two other step dancers on the Irish team do not yield an inch.
  dragon dancer 0.33   First come dragon dancers and a Chinese orchestra of horns and cymbals.
  cabaret dancer 0.26   The former cabaret dancer added that her husband is hardly a religious fanatic.
  character dancer 0.26   Only the character dancer Victor Barbee has been with the company longer than Jaffe.
  fire dancer 0.26   The food was good, and the fire dancers and beautiful hula dancers in grass skirts were incredible.
  woman dancer 0.26   He was revived elaborately by a young woman dancer.
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