hydroelectric dam 8.36   On Friday, it was the shad-friendly hydroelectric dam.
  new dam 2.24   Plans for new dams were shelved.
  earthen dam 2.11   Then take the flock to the earthen dam east of Red Butte.
  small dam 1.78   Small dams could be bypassed or removed.
  massive dam 1.38   That will be the case assuming other consequences of the massive dam are tolerable.
  huge dam 1.32   Portugal also plans a huge dam on the Guadiana.
  major dam 1.18   It was the first major dam catastrophe.
  big dam 1.12   We had few big dams in California then.
  large dam 1.12   A very, very large dam.
  smaller dam 1.05   There are other smaller dams that serve remote towns.
  controversial dam 0.86   The bank, severely criticized for its role in another controversial dam in India, hopes to avoid reliving that nightmare.
  federal dam 0.86   Above the federal dam at Troy, N.Y., the Hudson is a purely freshwater river.
  the dam 0.86   The other two dams provide water for agricultural needs.
  building dam 0.79   They also may consider building dams to block them, she said.
  giant dam 0.72   Another threat are the giant hydroelectric dams on the Yangtze.
  beaver dam 0.66   Beaver dams last for decades.
  upstream dam 0.66   Upstream dams and the elimination of environmentally beneficial floodwaters have also altered habitat along the river.
  high dam 0.59   A high dam would end their migration, irrevocably.
  proposed dam 0.59   The proposed dams were scrapped.
  nearby dam 0.53   A nearby dam was completed at the end of last year.
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