production cutback 4.28   Both automakers have announced production cutbacks.
  budget cutback 3.88   The economy minister warned of severe budget cutbacks.
  government cutback 2.96   But U.S. government spending cutbacks may prevent that.
  staff cutback 1.25   They blame the problem on staff cutbacks.
  job cutback 1.18   The trading unit was untouched by the previous job cutbacks.
  defense cutback 0.79   Continuing defense cutbacks have hurt.
  output cutback 0.66   The resulting output cutback led to a threefold increase in global oil prices.
  service cutback 0.59   In exchange for discounted rates, they agree to service cutbacks during problem periods.
  personnel cutback 0.39   The top brass has resisted personnel cutbacks, pressing instead for a bigger draft and longer compulsory service.
  power cutback 0.39   The company, however, said electrical problems could not be ruled out as causes of the power cutbacks.
  program cutback 0.39   Krantz is one who fell victim to the program cutbacks.
  face cutback 0.33   The volunteer drive comes as federal spending on social programs faces cutbacks as lawmakers try to balance the budget.
  oil cutback 0.33   After promising oil cutbacks, can OPEC deliver?
  troop cutback 0.33   Russian and Chinese presidents agree to troop cutbacks, nuclear cooperation.
  weapon cutback 0.33   The two sides are closer to agreement on weapons cutbacks than on missile defense.
  aid cutback 0.26   Senators settled on no growth, rather than outright cuts, for the NIH, and shrank their student aid cutback by two-thirds.
  energy cutback 0.26   That may help explain why it is reluctant now to commit to major new energy cutbacks.
  schedule cutback 0.26   American, Northwest, Delta and United also announced schedule cutbacks.
  welfare cutback 0.26   But he does not agree with those who point to welfare cutbacks as a meaningful way to reduce the federal budget.
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