take custody 10.01   Police take custody of ship, will investigate mutiny.
  have custody 9.15   He has custody of the boys.
  seek custody 4.74   Both are seeking custody.
  lose custody 3.16   She lost custody of the baby.
  gain custody 2.96   He later gained permanent custody.
  grant custody 2.96   The judge granted custody to the grandparents.
  regain custody 2.96   John eventually would like to regain custody of Becky.
  award custody 2.90   Lawton had originally awarded custody to the father.
  get custody 2.76   Does Anne get custody of a show?
  share custody 2.63   She shares custody with her ex-husband.
  win custody 2.57   She finally has won custody of him.
  give custody 2.50   The court will Decide who will be given custody.
  escape custody 1.58   Police say all three were killed while trying to escape custody.
  want custody 1.58   Both have said they want custody of the child.
  keep custody 1.18   Mrs Rachael will keep custody of the children.
  retain custody 1.18   He retained custody of the boys.
  demand custody 0.99   He also demanded custody of their son.
  relinquish custody 0.79   His original owner relinquished custody of him.
  maintain custody 0.59   And what if the police maintained poor custody of blood samples?
  assume custody 0.53   Ms. Lopez assumes temporary custody of Elisa.
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