strong current 11.26   A strong current washed them into shore.
  electric current 7.97   Electric current, real.
  electrical current 6.52   The motor is fed by an electrical current.
  swift current 3.03   Divers had to fight swift currents, Crisp said.
  political current 1.78   The political currents are tricky in the House, as well.
  rising current 1.65   That is, conditions aloft are favorable for rising currents of air.
  powerful current 1.58   Dilbert taps into three powerful currents.
  sinking current 0.86   Sinking currents of air in a strong high pressure zone will keep the Gulf Coast sunny.
  fast current 0.72   The fast currents made the job even harder.
  warm current 0.72   But warm offshore currents are definitely at work.
  tiny current 0.66   The motion of the magnets induces tiny currents which, aggregated, charge a capacitor.
  weak current 0.66   Weak steering currents will cause slow-moving storms to produce local flooding.
  cross current 0.59   The stock market was buffetted by a number of cross currents.
  emotional current 0.59   Not when Thomas might pick up the emotional currents.
  treacherous current 0.59   There are treacherous underwater currents along this stretch of coast.
  underlying current 0.59   There was an underlying current of discontent among teachers.
  main current 0.53   There are two main currents in French society.
  new current 0.53   Jade sees, if not a tide, then certainly a new current of chastity.
  small current 0.53   Stimulate the site of greatest pain with a small negative current.
  tidal current 0.53   It is very rarely still because of the strong tidal currents.
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