impose curb 2.44   It also imposed curbs on bank lending.
  lift curb 1.65   The two countries also agreed to lift curbs on their political and economic links.
  jump curb 1.51   The car jumped the curb.
  ease curb 1.32   U.S. eases curbs on spare parts for oil industry.
  place curb 0.99   A settlement may also place curbs on cigarette advertising.
  hit curb 0.79   He hit both curbs and he almost spun it out.
  include curb 0.79   These include curbs on raising campaign funds.
  oppose curb 0.79   Russia and France oppose new curbs on Iraq.
  relax curb 0.79   He called for relaxing the curbs by expanding humanitarian exemptions.
  put curb 0.72   Trading curbs were put in place but failed to stem the declines.
  remove curb 0.66   Officials said the curb would be removed before the qualifying.
  tighten curb 0.46   It even improves their bill by tightening curbs on fund-raising by state and local party committees.
  want curb 0.46   He wants curbs on privatization.
  introduce curb 0.39   It has also introduced curbs on foreign lawyers, who now cannot operate without a local partner.
  line curb 0.39   Outside, more bodies lined the curbs.
  protest curb 0.33   Thousands protest curbs on Islamic education.
  announce curb 0.26   They discussed privatization and gun laws and announced new curbs on striking workers and welfare fraudsters.
  demand curb 0.26   Some Greens have demanded curbs on such activities.
  hop curb 0.26   They can hop curbs.
  maintain curb 0.26   Rodriguez appealed to rival states to maintain their curbs.
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