change culture 5.00   You want to change the culture?
  have culture 2.76   We have the culture.
  preserve culture 2.44   Libraries, after all, exist to preserve culture.
  create culture 2.37   Culture is created.
  promote culture 2.24   A few can promote local culture.
  embrace culture 1.78   China is embracing pop culture.
  understand culture 1.78   I understand that culture.
  study culture 1.58   Then I moved to Southern California to study pop culture.
  reflect culture 1.51   We wanted the restaurant to reflect our culture.
  protect culture 1.38   He said such a culture should be protected.
  destroy culture 1.25   They fear their culture will be destroyed otherwise.
  bring culture 1.18   Meanwhile, there is progress in bringing culture to the glitz.
  develop culture 1.18   And once we built cities we developed high culture.
  define culture 1.12   Makah culture is defined by the whale.
  celebrate culture 0.99   They had also come to celebrate a culture.
  respect culture 0.99   He respected the culture.
  dilute culture 0.86   The tribespeople accuse the Muslims of grabbing their land and diluting their culture.
  use culture 0.86   The unaccounted-for cultures could be used to make biological weapons.
  know culture 0.79   I know the culture.
  see culture 0.79   It sees culture as a commodity, not a quest.
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