religious cult 6.98   Public officials tied to religious cults.
  former cult 2.04   Police would not identify the former cult member by name.
  japanese cult 1.51   Two charged with supplying Japanese cult.
  senior cult 1.45   Senior cult member admits poison attack.
  satanic cult 1.32   ...satanic cults.
  top cult 1.25   Top cult leaders have made sensational jailhouse confessions.
  apocalyptic cult 0.92   An apocalyptic cult was blamed.
  new cult 0.66   Is this some new cult phenomenon, a New Age ritual?
  key cult 0.53   Several key cult members have admitted to the subway attack and other crimes.
  arrested cult 0.46   Police said they traced the call to Sunaoshi through a recording of it, with the help of other arrested cult followers.
  current cult 0.46   Or maybe, in our post-modern age, current cults just keep referring to the past.
  dangerous cult 0.46   Jesus was a Jew considered by mainstream Judaism as a dangerous cult leader.
  evil cult 0.39   China calls the group an evil cult.
  american cult 0.33   Guare mounts a jolly assault on the Catholic church and the American cult of celebrity.
  christian cult 0.33   Police arrest members of apocalyptic Christian cult.
  female cult 0.33   The van was driven by a female cult member who was not arrested, police said.
  local cult 0.33   Now the firm is trying to make the difficult move from a local cult to a national force in the microbrewing industry.
  secret cult 0.33   Word spreads, and this secret cult grows nationwide.
  similar cult 0.33   In the past year, the government disbanded two similar Ugandan cults.
  detained cult 0.26   Nosaki resigned shortly after meeting the detained cult leader.
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