credit crunch 10.93   Avoid a credit crunch.
  cash crunch 6.91   Welcome to the biotech cash crunch.
  liquidity crunch 6.78   Defaults led to a liquidity crunch.
  budget crunch 3.36   The budget crunch has its humiliations.
  energy crunch 2.76   The energy crunch.
  time crunch 1.71   The time crunch.
  power crunch 1.65   Officials expected the power crunch to continue Friday.
  supply crunch 1.58   Traders also cited talk that the supply crunch is easing.
  money crunch 1.12   The money crunch has taken its toll.
  number crunch 0.72   Hawgood got caught in a numbers crunch in defenseman-rich Vancouver.
  space crunch 0.59   The space crunch will get worse.
  holiday crunch 0.46   The airline said disruptions were continuing as the holiday crunch began.
  currency crunch 0.39   Other Philippine domestic airlines also have been hit hard by the currency crunch.
  debt crunch 0.39   A debt crunch and inflation hit Latin America, and the pie-sharing was put on hold.
  oil crunch 0.33   With an oil crunch coming those expectations could soon come to an end.
  electricity crunch 0.26   But drought and the electricity crunch in the West are giving the pharmacist a dose of life Los Angeles-style.
  labor crunch 0.26   The Netherlands faces a labor crunch in almost every category.
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