people crowd 4.21   People crowd the streets.
  thousand crowd 2.83   Thousands more crowded the vast square outside.
  hundred crowd 2.24   Hundreds of people crowd behind the bowmen.
  fan crowd 1.32   Adoring fans crowded around the stage.
  dozen crowd 0.86   At her funeral, dozens of students crowded into the church.
  family crowd 0.72   Families crowded into parks.
  shopper crowd 0.72   Shoppers crowded the town Market.
  resident crowd 0.59   Residents crowded around her.
  tourist crowd 0.59   Tourists crowd the side of the boat to gawk.
  man crowd 0.53   People buy food and men sometimes crowd near the snack bar.
  refugee crowd 0.53   Refugees living in crowded hovels.
  reporter crowd 0.53   Reporters crowded around as Jensen left the courtroom.
  spectator crowd 0.53   As they have every day of the race, spectators crowded the road, which offered a spectacular view of the Alps.
  investor crowd 0.46   Investors are crowding to acquire these lucrative businesses.
  relative crowd 0.46   Anxious relatives crowded outside the hospital.
  passenger crowd 0.39   Stranded passengers crowded the airports.
  group crowd 0.33   Our group crowds the admissions office lawn.
  player crowd 0.33   Players crowded near the ball.
  student crowd 0.33   Students supporting Tobin crowded into the courtroom on Friday.
  throng crowd 0.33   A dense throng crowded the route.
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