strict criterion 4.08   Greece failed to meet the strict criteria.
  economic criterion 3.88   Greece does not meet the economic criteria.
  different criterion 3.09   People have different criteria.
  specific criterion 2.90   This solution must satisfy specific criteria of outcome viability.
  only criterion 2.57   But grimness need not be the only criterion.
  same criterion 2.50   Kansas City will use the same criteria.
  main criterion 2.30   His main criterion is enthusiasm.
  important criterion 2.11   Another important criteria was affordability.
  new criterion 2.11   And then new criteria surfaced.
  the criterion 2.04   Most managed to meet the other criteria.
  objective criterion 1.71   However, by any objective criteria Dayton was a huge success.
  sole criterion 1.65   That was the sole criterion.
  stringent criterion 1.58   Stringent criteria were used to select candidates for the program.
  key criterion 1.05   Elsewhere, however, Sweden met other key economic criteria for euro entry.
  medical criterion 1.05   He was assured all medical criteria were being met.
  primary criterion 0.99   The primary criterion is that a story be promotable.
  financial criterion 0.92   His book says the cousin met the financial criteria for the house.
  lending criterion 0.92   How will this affect lending criteria for the region in general?
  necessary criterion 0.92   Greece was excluded because it did not meet the necessary economic criteria.
  fiscal criterion 0.86   Faster growth will help Germany meet currency union fiscal criteria, Waigel said.
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