hate crime 34.36   A hate crime?
  sex crime 14.15   So are sex crimes.
  capital crime 6.91   To me, this is a capital crime.
  drug crime 6.39   Drug crimes are not counted.
  apartheid-era crime 4.08   Government rules out general amnesty for apartheid-era crimes.
  car crime 3.29   Car crime is the fastest growing crime.
  youth crime 3.09   Tackle youth crime first.
  cross-border crime 2.96   Europol has opened a euro crisis team to oversee cross-border crime in Europe.
  gun crime 2.70   Voters are demanding tougher action on gun crime.
  property crime 2.44   They dabble mostly in drugs and property crimes.
  apartheid crime 1.51   Amnesty for apartheid crimes overturned.
  collar crime 1.51   There could also be a growth in white collar crimes.
  felony crime 1.32   He called for making payment delinquency a felony crime in some cases.
  high-profile crime 1.18   Outrage over high-profile crimes by soldiers.
  campus crime 0.92   She said she intended to use this information to create a database and track campus crime.
  child crime 0.92   Germans embrace DNA testing to fight child sex crime.
  school crime 0.92   An all-out attack on school crime is long past due.
  gang crime 0.72   Gang crimes surged in Southern California.
  misdemeanor crime 0.72   Parents convicted of the misdemeanor crime face up to a year in jail.
  subway crime 0.72   Morale soared, and subway crime fell by half.
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