new credit 6.39   Only then could new credits become available.
  bad credit 5.33   If I simply ignore the bills, will I get bad credit?
  full credit 5.00   I give him full credit.
  long-term credit 4.41   Long-term credit banks fell.
  good credit 3.88   Good credit?
  easy credit 3.42   The economic boom was fueled by easy credit.
  opening credit 3.23   Fade to opening credits.
  extra credit 3.09   Extra credit!
  poor credit 3.09   Poor credit?
  closing credit 2.76   The closing credit?
  international credit 2.57   An international credit system was similarly installed.
  great credit 2.50   And that is to his great credit.
  tight credit 2.44   The tight credit has hit stocks.
  tighter credit 2.24   Higher U.S. rates might set the stage for tighter credit in Asia.
  foreign credit 2.17   Colombia may have to pay more for foreign credit, too.
  short-term credit 2.17   Many recent loans have been short-term credits at high interest rates.
  final credit 1.84   Lovell asked during the final credits.
  available credit 1.71   With credit available, people will buy cars.
  easier credit 1.71   The trend to easier credit is broad and shows few signs of easing.
  major credit 1.65   A boom in exports got major credit.
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