job creation 33.77   But job creation remains far higher.
  wealth creation 1.32   The heart of more wealth creation than any economy in history?
  trade creation 0.79   In his analysis Viner developed the concepts of trade creation and trade diversion.
  credit creation 0.66   Credit creation can take place.
  medium creation 0.66   Humphries is no media creation.
  employment creation 0.59   Loan repayments would be used to fund employment creation.
  money creation 0.39   The normal process of money creation is taking place within the banking system.
  database creation 0.33   It might be said that database creation means different things to different people.
  value creation 0.26   And will there be some value creation as a result of doing it?
  year creation 0.26   Women want them woven into their hair creations this year.
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