use create 13.10   It cannot be used to create any mark.
  work create 5.13   The city is working to create such a room.
  combine create 4.28   The results were combined to create the final list.
  fight create 1.91   The group is fighting to create an independent Basque state.
  do create 1.78   So what do you do to create something extraordinary?
  merge create 1.32   The following year, Shinseito and other parties merged to create Shinshinto.
  be create 1.05   Creating this appeal are three telenovellas.
  spend create 0.66   So your short position could cost you most than you initially spent to create it.
  say create 0.59   Bernie says in order to create a normal life he treated his past in the third person.
  remove create 0.53   Some partitions were removed to create large gallery spaces.
  rush create 0.53   Traditional publishers and movie producers are rushing to create content for delivery.
  can create 0.46   Williams did everything he could to create a reassuring atmosphere.
  form create 0.46   Most of all, NATO was formed to create European solidarity.
  clone create 0.39   Second, Congress should enact a moratorium on the use of cloning to create human embryos for research.
  discuss create 0.39   The prosecution said Chun and his successor Roh Tae-Woo once discussed creating the new splinter party before being arrested.
  link create 0.39   The lights may be linked to create inexpensive data networks.
  involve create 0.33   But when they got to the dome, they lacked the engineering skill involved to create the rounded top.
  join create 0.33   These two beliefs joined to create the tradition of African-American women wearing expressive hats.
  add create 0.26   In old advertisements, the company said tapioca was added to create a velvety texture.
  build create 0.26   Even the golf course, some say, was built to create a buffer zone between black and mixed-race areas.
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