have crack 5.92   It also has large cracks.
  get crack 4.74   Kemp gets another crack tonight.
  find crack 3.49   Police found crack each time.
  take crack 3.49   Next Fest takes several cracks at that goal.
  cause crack 3.36   He said the quake caused minor cracks in the walls.
  fill crack 3.03   Will sealer fill cracks?
  show crack 2.30   The sandstone supports showed cracks.
  develop crack 1.84   But older buildings develop cracks.
  smoke crack 1.65   No one smokes crack or gets thrown in jail.
  repair crack 1.51   Cracks should be repaired.
  open crack 1.45   The door has opened a crack.
  sell crack 1.38   Crack is sold freely.
  hear crack 1.25   Hear the crack of the bat.
  seal crack 1.25   Seal all cracks.
  see crack 1.25   But Boston could see a crack of daylight.
  leave crack 0.99   The quake left cracks in the concrete.
  discover crack 0.92   Cracks were discovered in the tunnel archway in early February.
  make crack 0.92   Make off-color cracks about celebrities.
  want crack 0.86   Even sympathizers want crack down on violence.
  fix crack 0.72   How can I fix the cracks and close the gaps?
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