mad cow 83.61   It blamed the loss on the mad cow scare.
  dairy cow 5.13   Enter the American dairy cow.
  infected cow 3.82   The infected cow was killed last year.
  dead cow 1.84   Dead cows lay in the fields.
  so-called cow 1.45   Prions are renegade proteins that cause a variety of diseases, including so-called mad cow disease.
  milking cow 1.38   They killed our milking cow.
  old cow 0.99   Oh, you boring old cow.
  adult cow 0.92   Fetal cells are more amenable to cloning than adult cows.
  british cow 0.92   Millions of British cows also were killed.
  older cow 0.86   Older cows are considered to be at higher risk.
  cloned cow 0.79   The result is that the cloned cow is like a twin.
  sick cow 0.72   A man would rather have five sick cows than three healthy ones.
  family cow 0.66   The family cow and dog were shot and killed.
  pregnant cow 0.66   Two Navy airmen were jailed Thursday on charges of shooting to death seven pregnant cows.
  stray cow 0.66   Stray cows on the streets are adding to the problem.
  black-and-white cow 0.53   Black-and-white cows.
  holy cow 0.53   Holy cow, we did it again.
  milch cow 0.53   Farmers in western Canada see themselves as a milch cow for the Eastern establishment.
  single cow 0.53   His ranch has never owned a single cow.
  slaughtered cow 0.53   The sight of the slaughtered cow turned my stomach.
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