packed courtroom 7.04   Abner Louima gazed across the packed courtroom.
  federal courtroom 5.07   Cameras are not allowed in the federal courtroom.
  small courtroom 2.37   But most could not get into the small courtroom.
  crowded courtroom 1.84   No one in the crowded courtroom rose to endorse his suggestion.
  same courtroom 1.45   All will be heard in the same courtroom.
  makeshift courtroom 1.38   In some ways, Ohno is still on trial, with the Olympic oval as his next makeshift courtroom.
  hushed courtroom 1.18   Hunt told the hushed courtroom.
  guarded courtroom 0.92   ...the heavily guarded courtroom.
  second courtroom 0.92   This is his second courtroom tussle with the Gallos.
  third courtroom 0.79   The Security Council has approved building a third courtroom.
  american courtroom 0.72   In American courtrooms, the government rests after presenting its case.
  tiny courtroom 0.72   The trial was held in a tiny courtroom dominated by a traditional Serb seal on a massive wooden bench.
  special courtroom 0.66   There is a special courtroom sound technician and a projectionist.
  empty courtroom 0.59   None of the men yelled or showed any anger in a courtroom mostly empty except for red-bereted guards.
  closed courtroom 0.53   Lin, arrested in March, appeared in a closed courtroom with two defense lawyers on Friday.
  new courtroom 0.53   But as testimony began in the new courtroom, loud sirens blared outside.
  separate courtroom 0.53   The men, who made brief appearances in separate courtrooms, did not enter pleas.
  downtown courtroom 0.46   Last week, a judge refused to allow the wedding in a downtown courtroom over cost concerns.
  military courtroom 0.46   Those are far and away the high points of this general-issue military courtroom thriller.
  cramped courtroom 0.39   In the cramped courtroom, they sat on a narrow bench.
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