political courage 4.15   Their political courage as well.
  great courage 4.08   Great courage.
  moral courage 1.18   Will such necessary moral courage skip a generation?
  personal courage 0.99   Her recovery owed a great deal to her personal courage.
  physical courage 0.72   A whole range of physical courage is displayed here.
  real courage 0.66   Real courage.
  considerable courage 0.53   This is a story of considerable courage.
  uncommon courage 0.53   He had uncommon political courage as well.
  enormous courage 0.46   Like the fact that it takes enormous courage to appear weak.
  extraordinary courage 0.46   Women also show extraordinary courage in fighting the system.
  raw courage 0.46   It took raw courage to admit she was wrong.
  tremendous courage 0.46   Sonia is indeed showing tremendous courage.
  human courage 0.33   The flight established a benchmark in human courage and aviation history.
  remarkable courage 0.33   He has displayed remarkable courage in his efforts to reform the party.
  same courage 0.33   Ask yourself if you would have the same courage.
  similar courage 0.33   Similar courage is needed now.
  amazing courage 0.26   The experience of seven previous world title bids and amazing courage kept Benichou upright.
  false courage 0.26   A terrified child had burst through the door, cloak of adolescent false courage in shreds.
  immense courage 0.26   Doyle had immense courage.
  individual courage 0.26   More frequently, dissent is a product of individual courage and high ideals.
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