psychological counseling 6.25   There was no psychological counseling.
  psychiatric counseling 1.84   Psychiatric counseling seemed not to help.
  family counseling 1.78   Family counseling.
  premarital counseling 1.78   He thinks he is particularly effective at premarital counseling.
  professional counseling 1.78   To the pros, professional counseling is a must.
  individual counseling 1.18   Individual counseling is not the norm.
  spiritual counseling 1.12   Spiritual counseling?
  free counseling 0.99   Free psychological counseling is promoted.
  intensive counseling 0.99   The program provides intensive counseling, but maintains a kind of street savvy.
  mandatory counseling 0.92   Like mandatory pre-marital counseling?
  one-on-one counseling 0.86   A. I did a lot of one-on-one individual counseling.
  extensive counseling 0.66   They need, at the very least, extensive counseling.
  financial counseling 0.66   A popular new benefit is group financial counseling.
  receiving counseling 0.66   After receiving counseling.
  nutritional counseling 0.59   So Constantine provides nutritional counseling.
  undergoing counseling 0.59   The child is undergoing counseling.
  pastoral counseling 0.53   But the hostility between psychology and religion is dying with the emergence of pastoral counseling.
  special counseling 0.53   It said it had set up special counseling for families of those involved.
  additional counseling 0.46   Additional counseling is available if he needs it.
  immediate counseling 0.46   Trained staff members in Austin, Texas, will offer callers immediate counseling or referral.
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