set_up council 2.70   The council was set up under U.N. auspices.
  create council 2.37   That council was created during the Clinton administration.
  brief council 2.30   Annan briefed the council Monday on the report.
  join council 2.11   Marzieh joined the council last September, in Paris.
  address council 1.38   He has addressed the council.
  say council 1.32   The ITAR-Tass news agency said the council met for three hours.
  head council 1.25   The council would be headed by Soeharto himself.
  accuse council 1.18   But the council have been accused of acting too late.
  establish council 1.12   A monitoring council would be established to oversee the program.
  chair council 1.05   Japan currently chairs the council.
  form council 1.05   A family council was formed.
  make_up council 1.05   The council is made up of team owners and commissioner Bud Selig.
  elect council 0.99   Eventually, the council should be elected, he said.
  convene council 0.92   Zaher Shah is to convene the council.
  dissolve council 0.92   The council was then dissolved on a legal technicality.
  leave council 0.92   Two years later he left the council.
  ask council 0.86   The letters asked the council for instructions.
  see council 0.86   Many saw the council as a puppet government.
  control council 0.79   Critics fear the new council will be controlled by political and commercial interests.
  lead council 0.79   Demirel leads the council whose members include five top generals and the prime minister.
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