old couch 1.12   The old couch obviously now belongs to Biddy.
  comfortable couch 0.66   A comfortable couch.
  new couch 0.66   I wanted a new couch.
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  overstuffed couch 0.46   They sit in the overstuffed couches, armed with team shirts, caps, helmets and other paraphernalia.
  blue couch 0.39   The blue couch is gone.
  small couch 0.39   A full-size computer sits where there used to be a small couch.
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  nearby couch 0.33   ...a newspaper lying on a nearby couch.
  casting couch 0.26   The casting couch, they called it.
  comfy couch 0.26   Sometimes it works with comfy couches and really good connectivity.
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  long couch 0.26   Sandie, in her usual place on the long couch, looks pale, but determined.
  plush couch 0.26   I like the plush red couch to sink into and watch sports.
  reclining couch 0.26   The shuttle is equipped with special reclining couches for Thagard, Dezhurov and Strekalov.
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