visual cortex 2.11   The message is received by the visual cortex.
  prefrontal cortex 1.32   But this circuit in the prefrontal cortex seems to be irreplaceable, he said.
  auditory cortex 1.18   Does it see or does it hear with its auditory cortex?
  primary cortex 0.59   The path starts with the primary visual cortex.
  frontal cortex 0.39   But the size of the frontal cortex as compared with the rest of the cerebral hemisphere barely differed among the top primates.
  higher cortex 0.26   And reconnections to the higher cortex were absent.
  left cortex 0.26   People blessed with effervescent left prefrontal cortices are much more likely to be smiling.
  parietal cortex 0.26   Other parts, like the parietal cortices, are responsible for letting our eyes steadily track moving objects.
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