inner core 3.95   It does not hide your inner core.
  urban core 2.30   Why have so many left the older urban cores?
  very core 2.30   They inform the very core of his work.
  solid core 2.17   The Bulls and the Knicks each have a solid core.
  small core 1.91   Ambassador Wilfried Gruber and a small core team will remain in Belgrade.
  central core 1.84   A central core along the c?
  strong core 1.71   The party still has a strong core of support among the poor.
  emotional core 1.38   The emotional core is equipment.
  so-called core 0.79   The Ducks have avoided major injuries to their so-called core players.
  downtown core 0.72   The downtown core of the city was eerily still Thursday.
  new core 0.72   The business needs a new core of trained administrators.
  same core 0.72   We have the same core of players here and I know what they can do.
  traditional core 0.72   Banks and finance companies are likely to lose their traditional core businesses.
  molten core 0.66   The implication is that Ganymede has a molten metallic core.
  historic core 0.59   How would you describe the setting of the historic core of York.
  mandatory core 0.59   At level III, the mandatory core skills modules follow a similar pattern to the level II award.
  moral core 0.59   They were also pastoral tales with a moral core.
  hollow core 0.53   It was built in a cube with a hollow core and had doors to walk inside.
  metallic core 0.53   The implication is that Ganymede has a molten metallic core.
  young core 0.53   The young core of stars has been signed to long-term deals.
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